Friday, January 1, 2010

K-Rudd and the climate goons...

In an article that appeared in the Sunday Telegraph on Dec 27th 2009, Pier Akerman frankly and unapologeticfally lamented the emptiness of Australian PM Kevin Rudd’s character in a scathing commentary on the global warming scam and the apparently failed Copenhagen summit, which, Rudd failed to comment on in the aftermath of the debacle. Akerman’s perceptiveness on this occasion was refreshing in the world of the MSM (mainstream media) and its usual pitiful coverage of issues that really matter. He wrote: “Not only did the so-called scientists that Rudd and the UN relied on produce fraudulent data [see Climategate], but they also endeavoured to remove from the literature reproduced on the internet information site Wikipedia—a most unreliable source at best—all scientific data that contradicted their false hypothesis.” According to Akerman, climate scientist and Wikipedia editor William Connolly, a member of the team behind the RealClimate website which purported to demonstrate the existence of human-induced global warming, has been shown to have edited more than 5,000 articles that appeared on the Wikipedia site to eliminate solid scientific evidence that disproved the claims embraced by the UN’s favoured team. Further, under Rudd, Australia’s own peak scientific body, the CSIRO, has seen its international reputation irreparably damaged because it, too, instituted its own bizarre censorship of scientific opinion which challenged that being dictated from the PM’s office.”

It does not take a genius logician to realise that when a cabal of scientists are trying to convince the public of a supposedly legitimately proved scientific phenomenon, whilst simultaneously suppressing and censoring all evidence to the contrary, that something is seriously amiss. Why play dirty and silence legitimate dissent if your science is sound? The history of scientific corruption and censorship is fertile ground for discussion, but so vast that we need eschew it here. Climategate is a loud and clear reminder that it is alive and well for anyone who had forgotten the fact.

Brilliantly, Akerman proceeds to finish his analysis of the inexplicably high level of popularity Rudd enjoys with this: “Now...Rudd promises to reintroduce his infamous tax bill, still without offering any proof that humans have affected the natural climate cycle of the globe, still without presenting any evidence that anything Australians do (including destroying their economy) will alter the Earth’s temperature by one thousandth of a degree. This may be why his popularity remains so high. Australia likes winners – and when it comes to scams, Kevin Rudd is King Con.”

In 2009 because of his grounded and sensible intervention in Rudd’s plan to introduce a “Draconian new tax regime”, based on overhyped and fraudulent scientific data, opposition leader, Tony Abott, achieved something rare in Australian politics: He actually achieved something. A totally insane and unjustifiable new Draconian tax plan failed to manifest thanks in large part to Abott’s dissent towards the manufactured ‘consensus’ regarding AGW. The question many Australians must surely ask themselves now is: “How will Rudd try to next foist such ludicrous tax measures upon us if he doesn’t succeed in the short term?”

Years ago, former US government-contracted whistleblower, the late Phil Schneider (who was murdered after he began speaking out on what he knew), described the UN as a “stalking horse” for Global Government. That statement has rung more and more true ever since, demonstrated saliently by the AGW scam designed to induce a gullible global population into accepting a carbon tax on life itself (we are carbon-based life forms, remember?), administered by... an unelected global government; a planetary dictatorship, in other words. The UN in all of this, of course, favoured the fraudulent data provided by the IPCC and its pseudo-scientific con artists, evidently in the hope that the grand AGW hoax would precipitate the changes needed to officially institute a New World Order. Maybe next time, boys. Apparently the public isn’t quite as stupid or gullible as its political “leaders” would prefer.

*Note: As an aside, I’d like to express my disgust at the ignorance and/or corruption of many of our politicians. Joe Hockey only a matter of days ago expressed his view on global warming (which I heard on radio), demonstrating a disturbingly wanton disregard for a little thing called factual reality, when he said that, “the science is settled” regarding the purported reality of GW. That qualifies as gross negligence in my view. And THESE are our "representatives"???

Welcome and greetings...

Well friends, I have decided to bring in the new year with a bang (no that isn't the sound of my liver exploding after last night's NYE festive beverages) and start a blog.

Let's face it, it was inevitable.

With all of the madness, stupidity and amusing lunacy swirling around us incessantly in this crazy world, it was only a matter of time before yours truly took the progenitors of conceptual fallacies to task, asked the questions many are afraid to ask, and cut through the crap to get at the truth - no matter how queer, warped, disturbing or twisted it may be.

I do not believe in letting my own beliefs get in the way of grasping an unpleasant or inconvenient truth, and believe me, there are plenty out there. On the other hand, of course, there are some beautiful truths that cry out for recognition and expression on this little blue ball of ours three rocks removed from the sun, and these too shall find a home here, under the nurturing wing of your humble *cough* host of The Grand Illusion (TGI).

Here I plan to give voice to some informal rantings on various topics, all of which (with perhaps the odd exception) will have one critical thing in common: they are designed to be awareness/consciousness raising. A more conscious and informed humanity is a more evolved and enlightened one which will make this planet one all humans can be proud to inhabit.

In order to most rapidly raise our consciousness, there is something each seeker of higher evolution must do...

...discard belief. Ditch the dogma. Abandon (thought) addiction.

Let no belief be sacred except for this: condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. (Einstein)

This I believe. This and little else. Why?

Maybe author and free thinker, Robert Anton Wilson, said it best: "Belief is the death of intelligence." As a Dyscordian, Wilson held to the credo that convictions cause convicts. While this is a noble sentiment - to aspire to such righteous agnosticism - it is important not to merely use this as a crutch so that we can cop-out and sit on the fence or refuse to call things as we see them - especially if they are provably true. There is also nothing wrong with a little healthy speculation either.

I warn you in advance: much of what you will find here will contradict long-conditioned beliefs that have ingrained themselves in your psyche and taken up residence as seemingly immutable truth. But given that the one constant in this temporal realm is change, is it not unnatural to possess a rigidly fixed psyche with immovable opinions and assumptions? Is it not entirely natural ('of or pertaining to nature') to be cognitively flexible and open to the changing of one's mind?

Now that you are (hopefully) sufficiently prepared my friends, I bid you a happy new year in this 2010th year after the alleged death of "Christ". May this year bring all that you desire, but better yet, everything you intend. Intention is a powerful thing, after all.

Personally, I intend to garner some extra attention for certain truths. This blog is merely one such way that I (with your help) can do this.

Let the fun begin!
